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RHA Meetings

RHA Meetings are Mondays in Havasupai AB from 5:30-7:00. Check out our schedule here. 

During the 1:30 hours Community Council representatives, RHA executives, and other NAU students discuss events, issues, and other topics regarding NAU Community Living and RHA. We will also have guest speakers, workshops, and activities to help improve leadership skills.

Present at a Meeting 

Do you want to present at a meeting? You can present any topic you feel passionate about. Fill out the form below and we will get you signed up to present.

Sign-Up to Present
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Fluffy Clouds

RHA Budget

Curious about where our money is being spent? Check out the RHA budget spreadsheet. Our budget is formatted for Community Councils to view and understand 24/7. Community Councils can see the budget is updated in real-time.


If you have any questions or concerns reach out to our Coordinator of Administration and Finance (CAF)

Meeting Minutes

Check out the meeting minutes from the most recent meeting below! 

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