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CoCo (Community Councils) are student governments that are in each community living hall. CoCo's put on events and educational programs for the people living in their campus community.


RHA helps support Community Council and CA's by building leadership and community through weekly meetings, providing conference opportunities for self-development, providing monetary support, and much more! 


If you are interested in joining Community Councils and RHA contact your CLCC or stop by our office!

Get Involved

Interested in joining? There are many ways to get involved and join RHA. 


At the beginning of the academic year, there are elections held within the community living halls. These elections are for the chairs and representatives. You DO NOT need to hold a position to be a member!


If you missed the elections at the beginning of the year, do not worry. You can still go to the CoCo meetings! Ask your CLCC for the dates and times.

Project Perspective 

Project perspective is an advocacy initiative that seeks to encourage respectful discourse and the creation of a safe environment where all viewpoints are welcome.

The Pledge


  • Stay Aware: I will consider the words I use and the impact they have, and I will be open to others letting me know when I make a mistake.

  • Seek Out Information: I will seek to learn and educate myself on important topics I am less knowledgeable about.

  • Engage in Conversation: I will listen to others and share my perspective through meaningful conversation.

  • Cultivate Community: I will be a cultivator in my community, working to create spaces where similarities and differences can be valued and understood.

  • Recognize Privilege: I will learn how to recognize my privileges and then use them to advocate for those who may not have a voice.

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